Keeping It Simple (Through the Complexities) -by Ian Love-Jones

an Love-Jones is an educator and former Corrections Sgt., he is the current Warden at Peninsula #128 in Portland Oregon.

Keeping It Simple (Through the Complexities)

The structure of Odd Fellowship can be complicated, especially for newer members who aren’t used to such things. There are motions and seconds. There are votes on building repairs, purchases, and donations. There are committees, highly structured discussions, and points of order. And there are, ever so often, selections of officers and delegates, with a number of esoteric titles, and very specific tasks.

This writing is not about doing away with those valuable, and sometimes even critical complexities. Those structures and business processes help a great deal with elevating voices, keeping lodge doors open, lights on, charities funded, and member efforts organized. As we navigate those complexities though, it’s important to remember the simpler spirit of Odd Fellowship.

I’m talking about the spirit that centers friendship, love, and truth amongst members, and the wider world. The spirit that acknowledges our frail humanity and our (sometimes unknown) burdens that can weaken how well we navigate “process.” The simpler spirit that takes a true interest in each of our human needs, and lifts each other up so that we can all move forward toward a positive goal, together.

We are an order made up of humans. So, as we power through our processes, and daunting to-do lists, let’s all recall that there is still a need to be watchful of underlying needs, and to treat one another with care. Check in, follow up, speak honestly and also with patience. Remember that the more respected and cared for that each member feels, the more engaged and effective they will be. An offense between family members is a small seed that we can all help prevent from growing into a thorny hedge. 

Thank you for all you continue to do for each other, and for your communities. Our work is sometimes complex, but our love for one another can be beautifully simple.

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